Gentle @ eBENTO

Get yourselves to EBENTO November round and snap up Gentle skin made for Genus classic. Who can resist those cute freckles sprinkled on her nose and cheeks? There are 10 skin tones, with and without eyebrows, and includes head & body skins. Make sure to try on the free demo!

OPEN: November 11th-30th

November Group Gift (NEW & OLD GROUP)

As most of you know, 7 Deadly s[K]ins now has 2 groups. Seems we have maxed out the “old” group, which is why the new group was created. With the old group tag, you can still receive some perks, like a single tone of this month’s group gift.

With the new group tag, you’ll have access to much more – including the full pack of November skin Blaze. Just keep an eye out for the new 7DS group poster tagging any gift boards or camping chairs for the new group tag.

NEW GROUP: secondlife:///app/group/2bc98a73-0e91-02f1-4b39-660e66d96a40/about
OLD GROUP: secondlife:///app/group/18e33f5d-dbbe-295c-52a8-9e05930bbfef/about

Taxi to the store