I am granting wishes! 3 wishes each week, to be more exact. So how does this work?

Christmas Wishes
Write down your wish and drop it in the wish box at the store. I’ll read them, and every week pick out 3 new wishes to grant.

EXAMPLE: You see a skin box you want to have and it usually costs 950ld. You can now put in your wish to buy the box with 40% discount. Or you make a wish to buy 1 box and get 1 for free.

Some rules to follow:

• Make the wishes acceptable! putting in a nc you wanna pay 10ld for a skin box ain’t nevvvvvver gonna happen.
• I will NOT hand out free skins!!!
• Make only wishes that are store-related… NO I will NOT go out on a date with you!
• Put in as many wishes as you like. Be creative!
• I will not make any custom skins or brand new stuff for your wish.
• Do NOT drop the nc into my IM. I get capped so your wish will never come true!

The wishbox will be here till 25 Dec 2018.